
How to Write a Funeral Speech

Posted on July 31st, 2023

If you are asked to write a speech for a loved one’s funeral it can be a daunting task as you try to find the words to honour the person in the perfect way. Funerals are an opportunity to celebrate a loved one’s life and a funeral speech or eulogy is a way of sharing memories. It can be difficult trying to decide what to say about a special person in away that does their memory justice and even where to start.

Here are some pointers on how to write a speech for a funeral that resonates and helps show how much the deceased meant to so many of their friends and family:

Talk to family and close friends

We would recommend you start by speaking to those closest to the deceased to learn about their life potentially before they came into yours. Early life and work experiences add colour to a person’s time and provide a good starting place for your speech. If you didn’t know the person in their formative years it is good to lean on others for information and can often give a platform for people to openly discuss their loved one in a cathartic way.

Share funny memories

Light-hearted moments you shared can be a wonderful way of showcasing the way in which someone lived their life and can help lift a sombre mood. We all share times that make us laugh and help us remember someone fondly and by sharing these in your speech you help convey what will be missed about them and get across just how special they were through moments that no one else may have seen or heard.

Their influence on you

When bereaved it can be hard to remember some of your fondest moments as grief can impair our happy memories in the short term. If you are struggling to recall good times, then it is always an idea to showcase the impact their life has had on yours as this will help inspire good emotions and highlights just how important a role the deceased played in your life.

Hobbies and interests

Alongside employment, hobbies and interests can shape many people’s lives. By looking into what the deceased was passionate about can bring out great stories and tales from throughout their life and helps paint a picture of the person you are celebrating. By understanding how the deceased spent their free time can lead you to understanding more about them as a person and plenty of topics to talk about.

Writing a funeral speech should come from the heart, but like anything it’s important to ask for help if you are struggling. Please do call our team at Freedom Funerals on 01206 862 963, if you would like support with writing a eulogy or any aspects of funeral planning.